Baiturrahim Mosque


Baiturrahim Mosque is located at Ulee Lheu Tourist Area, an coastal area which is very beautiful and full of history. Baiturrahim Mosque is one of the wll-known mosques in Banda Aceh. The best part of this mosque is the history. This mosque is not only known after tsunami disaster but also from the first time it  was built in the 17th century. First, this mosque named Jami' Mosque Ulee Lheu. When Baiturrahman mosque had been burned by the Dutchman, all the people were forced to do Friday prayers at this mosque. Because of that, the name had been changed to Baiturrahim Mosque. Since the first time it was built, the mosque had been renovated for several times.  First, the mosque was built with wood construction and simple shape. In 1983, this mosque awas attacked by earthquake and the dome was ruined. In 2004, it was attacked by earthquake and tsunami. This mosque was the only building which survived from the disaster. After tsunami disaster, this mosque had been renovated and equipped with a minaret. So, now it looks like Baiturrahman Mosque.

Baiturrahim Mosque
This is the look of Biturrahim from upfront. This building is applied with Islamic Architecture, Colonial Style and Traditional Style. This mosque has simetrical shape. It has floral ornament and calligraphy at the main entrance which has three pillars.
ornament and calligraphy on main entrance

The Three Pillars

Main Entrance
Before entering the mosque, we passed the gate. The gate has four small domes and round arches which resemble a dome.
The View of Mosque from The Gate

The view of the gate from inside the mosque
Beside the main building, Baiturrahim has a minaret that was built after tsunami disaster as I explained before. The minaret stands on the right side of the moqsue. Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to get into the minaret. The minaret's style is not different with the mosque's. It also has windows, but with different color.

The Minaret

Three of them
Nowadays, Baiturrahim Mosque is one of the tourist attraction in Banda Aceh. Many tourists come here just to see the Almighty of Allah or for moslems, they usually pray here. 

That's all about Baiturrahim Mosque. Next, i'll tell you about Baiturrahman Mosque.. 

As usual, take picture before going home.. ;)